An Annapolis Community with Beautifully Wooded Landscapes
The Ridges
Year Established
Great Community

Home Owner Resources
We have a beautiful neighborhood.
Like many neighborhoods, Ridges at Annapolis has a Home Owner's Association (HOA) and some rules in our covenants and restrictions that help keep it that way. Some projects require approval first. This guide will help get you started.
Community Documents
Covenants & Restrictions
Covenants & Restrictions Amendment 1984
Neighborhood Bylaws
Amendment to Bylaws Regarding Homeowner Disclosure Statement 2014
Articles of Incorporation
A&ECC Guidelines
Change & Exception Application Form for Submission to the A&ECC
Get approval first if you are..
You might need approval if you are..

Making Visual Changes to Your House
Review the Community Guidelines, complete the Change Application Form.
Wait for approval before starting your project.
Questions?? Email the Architectural and Environmental Control Committee (A&ECC) at aecc@ridgeshoa.org
Sound Trees and Shrubs
Removal of any sound Laurel or Holly tree or shrub of any size in addition to hardwood trees with a trunk diameter greater than 6" two feet above the ground requires an approved exception from the Architectual and Environmental Control Committee (A&ECC). Complete the application.
Wait for approval.
Questions?? Email the Architectural and Environmental Control Committee (A&ECC) at aecc@ridgeshoa.org
Dead, Dying, Damaged Trees and Shrubs
Dead, dying, or dangerously damaged holly and laurel trees and shrubs or other hardwood trees with a trunk greater than 6" two feet above the ground may be removed without getting A&ECC approval after first securing written documentation certifying that the tree is so damaged as to be a hazard or is dead or dying by an ISA Certified Arborist. The documentation must be on the letterhead or contract of the arborist and include their ISA License Number.
Effective December 2012 , all tree care professionals practicing in Maryland must obtain a license from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Useful information about tree removal
Maryland DNR Tree Expert Page - Including search tool for a license tree expert

Established in 1983, the neighborhood is comprised of two sections divided by the ridge that is the namesake of the community. The neighborhood consists of 76 homes including a community use common area that can be found in the south section. A long time resident wrote a humorous history (ie. quasi-fictional) of The Ridges that "retells" its pivotal role in the history of the region.

Meet Ridges North
Meet Ridges South
